Interior layout for professionals

Our workplace is no exception to the need for a well-designed and carefully furnished environment, whether it is an office or a place open to the public. We spend a lot of time there. Its design has an impact on those of us who work there every day, as well as on those who are just passing by. This is even more true when it comes to a shop.

Agencement bureau entreprise

Office layout

Agencement salon

Shop layout

Vitrine vins

Window dressing

Décors d'évènements

Event decor

Office layout and organisation

Agencement bureau entreprise

Do you feel uncomfortable in your office? Do you feel that the atmosphere is stuffy? Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork that is piled up around you? Do you feel assaulted by furniture corners?

The lack of ergonomics has a very negative impact on people’s well-being. This ultimately affects motivation and productivity. I propose to reorganise your office together with you, by combining the layout, the creation of storage space and the way you file your files.

Reclaim your workspace and increase your productivity and creativity by making it airy, easy to move around and where files are easy and quick to find.

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Window dressing

Vitrine vins

A beautiful window is a promise of happiness, it touches our part of childhood.

Whether it is used to highlight a product or simply to create an atmosphere that invites you into the store, the window is of paramount importance. Neglected or overloaded, it does not inspire confidence. Without decoration, it is not attractive.
The decoration of the shop window should be an invitation to dream. The aesthetic aspect must be combined with a marketing approach that highlights the products.
Your shop window will then be ready to fulfil its function: to attract people into your shop.

Agencement bureau entreprise

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Event Decoration

Décors d'évènements

A private or professional event has its own universe, for a few hours or a few days. The decoration is a fundamental element for the magic to work.

My experience in corporate events has led me to design events from A to Z, from script writing to staging, from set design to organisation and stakeholder management.

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Shop layout

You love talking to customers, advising them and guiding them to the product they need. You love your job as a shopkeeper, that’s for sure! But when it comes to improving the layout of your shop or decorating your window, you could really use a helping hand!

The layout of a shop, like the layout of a home, requires a subtle balance between solids and voids, and must be combined with a marketing approach that highlights the products. It is not enough for your shop to be pleasant and pretty, it must make people want to buy. Otherwise, what is the point of having a shop?

Having worked in Communications and Marketing, I’ve built up a solid foundation in these areas, which I like to associate with my eye for space and my sense of decoration.

I suggest you to create a commercial space that suits you, where you can devote yourself to your favourite activity: selling!

Creation of a shop window space

The project described below was for a discount brand clothing boutique. The main problem was a very cluttered window with no lighting, which not only failed to attract the eye from the outside, but also prevented light from entering the shop.

Agencement bureau entreprise


The first step was the creation of a clearly defined space to create a real shop window and the installation of lighting for this space. This made the window more attractive and brought light into the shop.

Agencement bureau entreprise

The service included designing the project, building and installing the elements (display base, background curtains, removable elements and lighting).

The window dressing was not part of the service. What is shown is therefore the minimal staging.

Agencement bureau entreprise

The next step was to be a complete redesign of the boutique. Unfortunately, the project could not be completed due to lack of resources.

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